Saturday, July 9, 2011

William and Kate back in Calgary

Well.....we all got to see the Duke and Dutchess again after their night in the mountains at Skoki lodge, a remote cabin about 11km in behind the Lake louise Ski area. There was a lot of excitement in the air as the 4 Griffins flew by in formation to deliver William and Kate to the awaiting crowd.

Anticipating crowd

4 Griffin 412's flying in formation. The Royals are on the second one from the front

Kate and William meeting Calgary's Mayor and being presented with cowboy hats

This little girl is from the 'Make a Wish Foundation' at the Childrens Hospital (she has cancer)
and her wish was to meet a Princess. Today her wish came true!

Prince William was also touched by her story

The Royal couple got into these vehicles and were driven to another event. The follow day, Friday, they opened the Stampede at the Stampede Parade. They then returned to Calgary to board their plane and were off to California for the British Film Festival of which Prince William is quite involved.
Note: (all info was graciously provided by the ladies at work who are MUCH more ga, ga over the Royals than I!!) It was very neat and exciting to see though, I must admit. :)

1 comment:

  1. Kim you got amazing coverage, I just saw your latest blog entery. Good job! Thanks ladies for your help in
