Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Mom and Jim's roofing project

Jim, Jay, and I put in a long day on Tuesday to finish up the roofing project that has lasted a LONG 26 days! I will most definitely admit that I showed up for the glory shift of finishing the last shingle, but a lot of sweat and man/woman hours went in to completing the difficult job of stripping the roof, sheeting, and insulating in preparation for what was actually the easiest part of the job, laying the shingles! All of these jobs were carried out by a collage of friends and family who willingly chipped in as a small token of payment for the endless contributions Jim and Gloria make to everyone elses lives outside of their own.

After Jay, my step brother, and Jim got the difficult, steeper sections done the day before, the remaining 3 pitches were our task for the day. Now I wouldn't say we are a roofing 'dream team', but with our collective knowledge and strong work ethic, we were a pretty confident and efficient team! With weather threating to shut us down most of the day, Jay talked us into forging on at 4 O'clock to finish the last pitch.

Are we ever glad we did! Shortly after finishing the upper ridge cap the rains came and we got down just in time. The next morning Jim and I headed back up in the rain to finish the final ridge cap above the kitchen. Mom came up on the lift and snapped a few pictures to commemorate the completion of the job with the last shingle being placed. So....26 days later, roof is complete! Well, almost. Jim's sattelite still needs to be installed which is probably the most important part of the job!

Finishing the upper roof

The master in action

The second master/motivator

The garbage/cleanup master

Nearing completion

Group shot

Exhausted but happy to be nearing the end

Father and son in their element

Putting on the upper ridge cap. Man was it humid!!

Haven't worked this hard in months....or was that years....??!!

The invaluable lift

Mom coming up for finally inspection and photo op

The final shingle!!

Beauty and the lift

Fishing trip to Big Sandy

  Had a really nice time fishing with my cousin Ian and my aunt and uncle Judy and Dan on the weekend.  We went to a lake called Big Sandy, Ian's favourite fishing hole, and auntie Judy's late father Jess' favourite spot as well.

The weather was quite wet at the start of the trip, and the ground remained quite wet for the duration of our 2 day stay. It made for some very high humidity especially in the camper!

Most of the fishing in Big Sandy is for Northern Pike (AKA Jackfish) but there are other species as well such as Walleye (AKA Pickerel). We were after the Pike because of the fun fight they typical put out after biting your hook. And...they didn't disappoint and we were able to land about 8 pike with about the same being released because of their smaller size.

All-in-all a very enjoyable fishing trip albeit a tiny bit too short especially for cousin Ian who LOVES fishing! Looking forward to another outing in the future.

Cousin Ian getting ready to fish

Ian giving our catch a little touch up with the hammer before filleting

Ian with the mornings catch

Uncle Dannie doing one of the things he does best, fixing small engines!

Auntie Judy tending to the fire duties

Fixing and story telling; fun!

Enjoying the beautiful day

Auntie hadn't had a bite yet!

Cousin Ian in his element. Can you tell by the smile?!!

Ian checking the fish in 'live well'

Just relaxing!

Our smudge fire was a welcome contribution to fighting the mosquitos

Big Sandy Resort

One of the resort cabins

Glen (resort manager) giving fish filleting lessons

Part of todays catch ready to be filleted

Bumble bee at work pollinating

Saskatoon berries

A native master at work

Well.....the fish tasted good, the company was delightful, and Cornelious ....well we don't really know what became of Cornelious....?