Saturday, April 9, 2011

My domestic zoo!

 For those of you who may not have known, I am house/pet sitting for Kyle and Cerise while they are in Mexico. It actually helps me out quite a lot as well since I am waiting to take posession of my condo on April 17th. Anyway, the pets and I did a little photo shoot tonight and these are the results!!

Rocko sniffing around Willis. Willis likes to hang out under the black blanket on his bed

Willis and his pet chicken

Willis' domain

Pinot and Leo cuddling

Willis getting his 'love battery' charged up!

Willis and I self portrait. I think all Willis had in mind was licking the ketchup off of my mouth from my smokey dinner!
(Oops, these are the things you don't notice when you're by yourself, until you take a picture!!)

Rocko ready for a pee

Rocko and Willis 'post' pee

Pinot. He sure has some wild eyes!

King Leo on his futon comforter

What' chu talkin' about Willis??!!

Rocko loves fetching this rubber ring


Pinot looks on but rarely partakes in the shinanagans that Rocko and Willis create!

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