Friday, February 25, 2011

-34C Crisp, Calm, Bluebird Day in the Bow Valley

It was an absolutely beautiful day in the Bow Valley today with bluebird skies and crisp, windless air! My camera was nudging me to take it down off the shelf for a little adventure to a few famous 'photo' spots. I'm glad I did :)  Almost all of these photos were taken from the truck, or 30 steps or less from a roadway.

'3 second peak' as seen from the TansCanada Highway heading east.
The peak is actually the south peak of Mount Edith but has been coined
'3 second peak' for the amount of time you get to see it while driving by. 
(I hiked up to the fence for this one)
Eagle Mountain, Mount Howard Douglas, and Fatigue Mountain
reflecting in the sulphur pond on Vermillion Lakes

The 7th and 8th buttresses on Mount Rundle
with a howling wind up high

'3 second peak' right from the truck window

Another nice view of Fatigue Mountain

Clark's Nutcracker

Three Mallards eating bullrush seeds, snails, invertebrae, and the odd tadpole

Clark's Nutcracker

Another shot of the Mallard's

Rundle view

Rundle view

Neat contrast of Mount Rundle

Mount Louis with Norquay ski hill below and Mount Fifi to the right

Windy day up on the West End of Rundle

The famous 'Tunnel Mountain' in Banff Townsite
A smiling Rocky Mountain Sheep

Side profile of a Rocky Mountain Sheep

A baby Rocky Mountain Sheep

A Rocky Mountain Sheep grazing

Portrait of a Rocky Mountain Sheep

Love the huge Canadian flag waving in the wind!

More Rocky Mountain Sheep (the rest of the herd)

Snow contrails off of the 3 Sisters


1 comment:

  1. Once again thanks for sharing.
    Marvelous pictures!
